
cnblogs 2024-07-26 08:09:21 阅读 61

  • 1. 关键词
  • 2. fileutil.h
  • 3. fileutil.cpp
  • 4. filesystem_win.h
  • 5. filesystem_win.cpp
  • 6. filesystem_unix.cpp
  • 7. 源码地址

1. 关键词

C++ 文件系统操作 列出指定目录下的所有文件 列出指定目录下的所有文件夹 跨平台

2. fileutil.h


#pragma once

#include <string>

#include <cstdio>

#include <cstdint>

#include "filetype.h"

#include "filepath.h"

namespace cutl



* @brief The file guard class to manage the FILE pointer automatically.

* file_guard object can close the FILE pointer automatically when his scope is exit.


class file_guard




* @brief Construct a new file guard object


* @param file the pointer of the FILE object


explicit file_guard(FILE *file);


* @brief Destroy the file guard object





* @brief Get the FILE pointer.


* @return FILE*


FILE *getfd() const;


FILE *file_;



* @brief List all files in a directory.


* @param dirpath the filepath of the directory to be listed

* @param type file type to be listed, default is all types.

* @param recursive whether to list the whole directory recursively, default is false.

* If true, means list the whole directory recursively, like the 'ls -R' command.

* @return filevec the vector of file_entity, filepaths in the directory.


filevec list_files(const filepath &dirpath, filetype type = filetype::all, bool recursive = false);

} // namespace cutl

3. fileutil.cpp

#include <cstdio>

#include <map>

#include <iostream>

#include <cstring>

#include <sys/stat.h>

#include "fileutil.h"

#include "inner/logger.h"

#include "inner/filesystem.h"

#include "strutil.h"

namespace cutl


file_guard::file_guard(FILE *file)

: file_(file)





if (file_)


// CUTL_DEBUG("close file");

int ret = fclose(file_);

if (ret != 0)


CUTL_ERROR("fail to close file, ret" + std::to_string(ret));


file_ = nullptr;


// ROBOLOG_DCHECK(file_ == nullptr);


FILE *file_guard::getfd() const


return file_;


filevec list_files(const filepath &dirpath, filetype type, bool recursive)


return list_sub_files(dirpath.str(), type, recursive);


4. filesystem_win.h

#include <vector>

#include <string>

#pragma once

namespace cutl


filetype get_file_type(const std::string &filepath);

filevec list_sub_files(const std::string &dirpath, filetype type = filetype::all, bool recursive = false);

} // namespace cutl

5. filesystem_win.cpp

#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__)

#include <io.h>

#include <direct.h>

#include <Windows.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include "strutil.h"

#include "filesystem.h"

#include "logger.h"

namespace cutl


filetype get_file_type(DWORD attributes, const std::string &extension)


filetype type = filetype::unknown;

if (attributes == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)


CUTL_WARN("Failed to get file attributes, error code: " + std::to_string(GetLastError()));

if (extension == ".lnk")


// 注意:测试时发现,有些快捷方式访问会失败,用后缀名判断进行兜底

type = filetype::symlink;


return type;






type = filetype::directory; // directory


else if (attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL || attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY)


// 普通文件|只读文件

type = filetype::file; // regular file


else if ((attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE) && extension == ".lnk")


// windows的快捷方式

type = filetype::symlink; // symbolic link



return type;


std::string get_file_extension(const std::string &filepath)


auto pos = filepath.find_last_of('.');

std::string extension = "";

if (pos != std::string::npos)


extension = filepath.substr(pos);

extension = cutl::to_lower(extension);


return extension;


// https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/fileapi/nf-fileapi-getfileattributesa

// https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/fileio/file-attribute-constants

filetype get_file_type(const std::string &filepath)


auto attributes = GetFileAttributesA(filepath.c_str());

auto extension = get_file_extension(filepath);

// CUTL_DEBUG(filepath + ", extension: " + extension + ", attributes: " + std::to_string(attributes));

return get_file_type(attributes, extension);


filevec list_sub_files(const std::string &dirpath, filetype type, bool recursive)


filevec file_list;

// 使用FindFirstFileA查找第一个文件

auto findpath = dirpath + win_separator + "*.*";

WIN32_FIND_DATAA findData = {0};

HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFileA(findpath.c_str(), &findData);

if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || hFind == NULL)


CUTL_ERROR("FindFirstFileA failed for " + findpath + ", errCode: " + std::to_string(GetLastError()));

return file_list;




auto dwAttrs = findData.dwFileAttributes;

auto filename = std::string(findData.cFileName);

CUTL_DEBUG(filename + ", attributes: " + std::to_string(dwAttrs));

if (is_special_dir(filename))


// “..”和“.”不做处理



std::string filepath = dirpath + win_separator + filename;

auto extension = get_file_extension(filename);

auto ftype = get_file_type(dwAttrs, extension);

if (ftype & type)


file_entity entity;

entity.type = ftype;

entity.filepath = filepath;



if ((dwAttrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && recursive)


// directory

auto sub_files = list_sub_files(filepath, type, recursive);

if (!sub_files.empty())


file_list.insert(file_list.end(), sub_files.begin(), sub_files.end());



} while (FindNextFileA(hFind, &findData));

// 关闭句柄


return file_list;


} // namespace cutl

#endif // defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__)

6. filesystem_unix.cpp

#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__)

// do nothing


#include <unistd.h>

#include <sys/stat.h>

#include <dirent.h>

#include <stack>

#include <cstring>

#include <utime.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <sys/time.h>

#include "filesystem.h"

#include "inner/logger.h"

namespace cutl


filetype get_file_type(const std::string &filepath)


struct stat file_stat;

int ret = lstat(filepath.c_str(), &file_stat);

if (0 != ret)


CUTL_ERROR("stat error. filepath:" + filepath + ", error:" + strerror(errno));

return filetype::unknown;


return get_file_type(file_stat.st_mode);


filevec list_sub_files(const std::string &dirpath, filetype type, bool recursive)


filevec file_list;

DIR *dir = opendir(dirpath.c_str()); // 打开这个目录

if (dir == NULL)


CUTL_ERROR("opendir error. dirpath:" + dirpath + ", error:" + strerror(errno));

return file_list;


struct dirent *file_info = NULL;

// 逐个读取目录中的文件到file_info

while ((file_info = readdir(dir)) != NULL)


// 系统有个系统文件,名为“..”和“.”,对它不做处理

std::string filename(file_info->d_name);

if (is_special_dir(filename))




struct stat file_stat; // 文件的信息

std::string filepath = dirpath + unix_separator + filename;

int ret = lstat(filepath.c_str(), &file_stat);

if (0 != ret)


CUTL_ERROR("stat error. filepath:" + filepath + ", error:" + strerror(errno));


return file_list;


auto ftype = get_file_type(file_stat.st_mode);

if (ftype & type)


file_entity entity;

entity.type = ftype;

entity.filepath = filepath;



if (S_ISDIR(file_stat.st_mode) && recursive)


auto sub_files = list_sub_files(filepath, type, recursive);

if (!sub_files.empty())


file_list.insert(file_list.end(), sub_files.begin(), sub_files.end());





return file_list;


} // namespace cutl

#endif // defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__)

7. 源码地址

更多详细代码,请查看本人写的C++ 通用工具库: common_util, 本项目已开源,代码简洁,且有详细的文档和Demo。



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std    filepath    type    return   

