【Python】PyWebIO 初体验:用 Python 写网页

黑洞Qix 2024-08-13 11:03:01 阅读 69


前言1 使用方法1.1 安装 Pywebio1.2 输出内容1.3 输入内容

2 示例程序2.1 BMI 计算器2.2 Markdown 编辑器2.3 聊天室2.4 五子棋


前两天正在逛 Github,偶然看到一个很有意思的项目:PyWebIo

这是一个 Python 第三方库,可以只用 Python 语言写出一个网页,而且支持 Flask,Django,Tornado 等 web 框架。

甚至,它可以支持数据可视化图表的绘制,还提供了一行函数渲染 Markdown 文本。



1 使用方法

1.1 安装 Pywebio

打开 CMD,在里面输入以下代码:

<code>pip install pywebio


pip install -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple pywebio

1.2 输出内容

put_text() 输出文字put_table() 输出表格put_markdown() 输出 markdown 内容put_file() 输出文件下载链接put_image() 输出图片put_button() 输出按钮


from pywebio.output import *

def main():

# 文本输出

put_text("Hello world!")

# 表格输出


['商品', '价格'],

['苹果', '5.5'],

['香蕉', '7'],


# Markdown输出


# 文件输出

put_file('hello_word.txt', b'hello word!')

if __name__ == '__main__':



1.3 输入内容

<code>input() 和 python 一样的函数欸

from pywebio.input import *

def main():

name = input("请输入你的名字:")

if __name__ == '__main__':


2 示例程序

这些都是官方给出的实例,代码都不到 100 行!


2.1 BMI 计算器

<code>from pywebio.input import input, FLOAT

from pywebio.output import put_text

def bmi():

height = input("Your Height(cm):", type=FLOAT)

weight = input("Your Weight(kg):", type=FLOAT)

BMI = weight / (height / 100) ** 2

top_status = [(14.9, 'Severely underweight'), (18.4, 'Underweight'),

(22.9, 'Normal'), (27.5, 'Overweight'),

(40.0, 'Moderately obese'), (float('inf'), 'Severely obese')]

for top, status in top_status:

if BMI <= top:

put_text('Your BMI: %.1f, category: %s' % (BMI, status))


if __name__ == '__main__':


2.2 Markdown 编辑器

<code>from pywebio import start_server

from pywebio.output import *

from pywebio.pin import *

from pywebio.session import set_env, download

def main():

"""Markdown Previewer"""


put_markdown("""# Markdown Live Preview

The online markdown editor with live preview. The source code of this application is [here](https://github.com/wang0618/PyWebIO/blob/dev/demos/markdown_previewer.py).

## Write your Markdown


put_textarea('md_text', rows=18, code={ 'mode': 'markdown'})

put_buttons(['Download content'], lambda _: download('saved.md', pin.md_text.encode('utf8')), small=True)

put_markdown('## Preview')

while True:

change_detail = pin_wait_change('md_text')

with use_scope('md', clear=True):

put_markdown(change_detail['value'], sanitize=False)

if __name__ == '__main__':

start_server(main, port=8080, debug=True)

2.3 聊天室

<code>import asyncio

from pywebio import start_server

from pywebio.input import *

from pywebio.output import *

from pywebio.session import defer_call, info as session_info, run_async


chat_msgs = [] # The chat message history. The item is (name, message content)

online_users = set()

def t(eng, chinese):

"""return English or Chinese text according to the user's browser language"""

return chinese if 'zh' in session_info.user_language else eng

async def refresh_msg(my_name):

"""send new message to current session"""

global chat_msgs

last_idx = len(chat_msgs)

while True:

await asyncio.sleep(0.5)

for m in chat_msgs[last_idx:]:

if m[0] != my_name: # only refresh message that not sent by current user

put_markdown('`%s`: %s' % m, sanitize=True, scope='msg-box')code>

# remove expired message

if len(chat_msgs) > MAX_MESSAGES_CNT:

chat_msgs = chat_msgs[len(chat_msgs) // 2:]

last_idx = len(chat_msgs)

async def main():

"""PyWebIO chat room

You can chat with everyone currently online.


global chat_msgs

put_markdown(t("## PyWebIO chat room\nWelcome to the chat room, you can chat with all the people currently online. You can open this page in multiple tabs of your browser to simulate a multi-user environment. This application uses less than 90 lines of code, the source code is [here](https://github.com/wang0618/PyWebIO/blob/dev/demos/chat_room.py)", "## PyWebIO聊天室\n欢迎来到聊天室,你可以和当前所有在线的人聊天。你可以在浏览器的多个标签页中打开本页面来测试聊天效果。本应用使用不到90行代码实现,源代码[链接](https://github.com/wang0618/PyWebIO/blob/dev/demos/chat_room.py)"))

put_scrollable(put_scope('msg-box'), height=300, keep_bottom=True)

nickname = await input(t("Your nickname", "请输入你的昵称"), required=True, validate=lambda n: t('This name is already been used', '昵称已被使用') if n in online_users or n == '📢' else None)


chat_msgs.append(('📢', '`%s` joins the room. %s users currently online' % (nickname, len(online_users))))

put_markdown('`📢`: `%s` join the room. %s users currently online' % (nickname, len(online_users)), sanitize=True, scope='msg-box')code>


def on_close():


chat_msgs.append(('📢', '`%s` leaves the room. %s users currently online' % (nickname, len(online_users))))

refresh_task = run_async(refresh_msg(nickname))

while True:

data = await input_group(t('Send message', '发送消息'), [

input(name='msg', help_text=t('Message content supports inline Markdown syntax', '消息内容支持行内Markdown语法')),code>

actions(name='cmd', buttons=[t('Send', '发送'), t('Multiline Input', '多行输入'), { 'label': t('Exit', '退出'), 'type': 'cancel'}])code>

], validate=lambda d: ('msg', 'Message content cannot be empty') if d['cmd'] == t('Send', '发送') and not d['msg'] else None)

if data is None:


if data['cmd'] == t('Multiline Input', '多行输入'):

data['msg'] = '\n' + await textarea('Message content', help_text=t('Message content supports Markdown syntax', '消息内容支持Markdown语法'))

put_markdown('`%s`: %s' % (nickname, data['msg']), sanitize=True, scope='msg-box')code>

chat_msgs.append((nickname, data['msg']))


toast("You have left the chat room")

if __name__ == '__main__':

start_server(main, debug=True)

2.4 五子棋

<code>import time

from pywebio import session, start_server

from pywebio.output import *

goboard_size = 15

# -1 -> none, 0 -> black, 1 -> white

goboard = [

[-1] * goboard_size

for _ in range(goboard_size)


def winner(): # return winner piece, return None if no winner

for x in range(2, goboard_size - 2):

for y in range(2, goboard_size - 2):

# check if (x,y) is the win center

if goboard[x][y] != -1 and any([

all(goboard[x][y] == goboard[m][n] for m, n in [(x - 2, y), (x - 1, y), (x + 1, y), (x + 2, y)]),

all(goboard[x][y] == goboard[m][n] for m, n in [(x, y - 2), (x, y - 1), (x, y + 1), (x, y + 2)]),

all(goboard[x][y] == goboard[m][n] for m, n in [(x - 2, y - 2), (x - 1, y - 1), (x + 1, y + 1), (x + 2, y + 2)]),

all(goboard[x][y] == goboard[m][n] for m, n in [(x - 2, y + 2), (x - 1, y + 1), (x + 1, y - 1), (x + 2, y - 2)]),


return ['⚫', '⚪'][goboard[x][y]]

session_id = 0 # auto incremented id for each session

current_turn = 0 # 0 for black, 1 for white

player_count = [0, 0] # count of player for two roles

def main():

"""Online Shared Gomoku Game

A web based Gomoku (AKA GoBang, Five in a Row) game made with PyWebIO under 100 lines of Python code."""

global session_id, current_turn, goboard

if winner(): # The current game is over, reset game

goboard = [[-1] * goboard_size for _ in range(goboard_size)]

current_turn = 0

my_turn = session_id % 2

my_chess = ['⚫', '⚪'][my_turn]

session_id += 1

player_count[my_turn] += 1


def player_exit():

player_count[my_turn] -= 1


put_html("""<style> table th, table td { padding: 0px !important;} button {padding: .75rem!important; margin:0!important} </style>""") # Custom styles to make the board more beautiful

put_markdown(f"""# Online Shared Gomoku Game

All online players are assigned to two groups (black and white) and share this game. You can open this page in multiple tabs of your browser to simulate multiple users. This application uses less than 100 lines of code, the source code is [here](https://github.com/wang0618/PyWebIO/blob/dev/demos/gomoku_game.py)

Currently online player: { player_count[0]} for ⚫, { player_count[1]} for ⚪. Your role is { my_chess}.


def set_stone(pos):

global current_turn

if current_turn != my_turn:

toast("It's not your turn!!", color='error')code>


x, y = pos

goboard[x][y] = my_turn

current_turn = (current_turn + 1) % 2

@use_scope('goboard', clear=True)

def show_goboard():

table = [


put_buttons([dict(label=' ', value=(x, y), color='light')], onclick=set_stone) if cell == -1 else [' ⚫', ' ⚪'][cell]code>

for y, cell in enumerate(row)


for x, row in enumerate(goboard)




while not winner():

with use_scope('msg', clear=True):

current_turn_copy = current_turn

if current_turn_copy == my_turn:

put_text("It's your turn!")


put_row([put_text("Your opponent's turn, waiting... "), put_loading().style('width:1.5em; height:1.5em')], size='auto 1fr')code>

while current_turn == current_turn_copy and not session.get_current_session().closed(): # wait for next move



with use_scope('msg', clear=True):

put_text('Game over. The winner is %s!\nRefresh page to start a new round.' % winner())

if __name__ == '__main__':

start_server(main, debug=True, port=8080)



有了这个库,我们就可以轻松地将 Python 程序展示在网页上,也就是实现使用 Python 开发前端!


