python 01 Basic syntax

Yake1965 2024-10-14 11:35:01 阅读 54



a, b 求最大值?分类讨论

<code> if a > b:

print("最大值 = ", a)


print("最大值 = ", b)

a, b, c 求最大值?

条件语句 if ... elif ... else


a = [1.7, 1.65, 1.8, 1.55, 1.6] # 身高列表

mx = 0 # 初始化最大值

for x in a:

if x > mx:

mx = x

print("最高身高为", mx)

循环语句 for x in a

**内置函数 max min**

Python 实例教学_01_基础语法

★860. 柠檬水找零

知识点: boolean, , if elif else, for in

class Solution:

def lemonadeChange(self, bills: List[int]) -> bool:

five = 0

ten = 0

for b in bills:

if b == 5:

five = five + 1

elif b == 10:

if five == 0:

return False

five -= 1

ten += 1


if five > 0 and ten > 0: # and 并且

five -= 1

ten -= 1

elif five >= 3: # 说明 ten = 0

five -= 3


return False

return True

class Solution:

def lemonadeChange(self, bills: List[int]) -> bool:

five, ten = 0, 0 # 一行给两个变量同时赋值

for i in bills:

if i == 5: five += 1 # 不用找零,直接 五元 + 1,只有一行可以直接跟在后面

elif i == 10: # 需要找一张五元

ten += 1

five -= 1 // 注意这里没有考虑 5 元有没有,后面统一处理。

else: # elif i == 20: 只有三种币值

# 嵌套条件语句

if ten > 0: # 有 10 先找 10 元的

ten -= 1; five -= 1 # 两条语句写一行,用 ; 分割

else: five -= 3

if five < 0: return False # 说明五元的钞票不够找了,返回 False

return True


Python 1-03 条件语句

Python 1-05 控制流练习

2591. 将钱分给最多的儿童

算法:整除 取余 判断奇偶性

class Solution:

def distMoney(self, money: int, children: int) -> int:

money -= children # 每人至少 1 美元

if money < 0: return -1

res = min(money // 7, children) # 初步分配,让尽量多的人分到 8 美元

money -= res * 7

children -= res

# children == 0 and money:必须找一个前面分了 8 美元的人,分配完剩余的钱

# children == 1 and money == 3:不能有人恰好分到 4 美元

if children == 0 and money or \ # \ 续行符,money 非零为真,0 为假

children == 1 and money == 3:

res -= 1

return res

class Solution:

def distMoney(self, money: int, children: int) -> int:

money -= children # 每人至少 1 美元

if money < 0: return -1

d = money // 7 # // 整除,/ 除法

rem = money % 7 # % 取余

# 分类讨论 每人可分得 8 元,剩余的加在其中某人身上。

if d > children: return children - 1

if d == children:

return children - 1 if rem > 0 else children

if d == children - 1 and rem == 3: return d - 1

return d


★2706. 购买两块巧克力

算法:条件表达式 最小值与次最小值 交换两个数

class Solution:

def buyChoco(self, prices: List[int], money: int) -> int:

a = b = inf

for x in prices:

if x < a:

b, a = a, x

elif x < b:

b = x

return money - a - b if a + b <= money else money


Python 1-04 循环语句

★LCP 06. 拿硬币

算法:★ 向上取整,向下取整

class Solution:

def minCount(self, coins: List[int]) -> int:

res = 0

for x in coins:

res += (x + 1) // 2 # ★ 向上取整, x // 2 向下取整

return res

★747. 至少是其他数字两倍的最大数

算法:range() max() len() enumerate()

直接访问元素 for x in a:

通过下标访问元素 for i in range(len(a)):

下标、元素 for i, x in enumerate(a):

class Solution:

def dominantIndex(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:

# 方法一:range() max() len()

n, res, mx = len(nums), -1, max(nums)

for i in range(n):

x = nums[i]

if x == mx: res = i

elif x > mx // 2: return -1

return res

# 方法二:enumerate()

mx, ans = max(nums), -1

for i, x in enumerate(nums):

if mx == x: ans = i

elif x > mx // 2: return -1

return ans

# 方法三:最大值 >= 2 倍次大值

first = second = id = 0

for i, x in enumerate(nums):

if x > first:

first, second = x, first

id = i

elif x > second:

second = x

return id if first >= 2 * second else -1

# 方法四:离线排序

q = sorted(range(len(nums)), key=lambda i:nums[i])

return -1 if nums[q[-2]]*2 > nums[q[-1]] else q[-1]


2154. 将找到的值乘以 2

class Solution:

def findFinalValue(self, nums: List[int], original: int) -> int:

while original in nums:

original *= 2

return original

★1518. 换水问题

思考:如果 1 个空瓶可以换一瓶水,是不是就可以无限白嫖了?

class Solution:

def numWaterBottles(self, numBottles: int, numExchange: int) -> int:

res = numBottles # 全部喝完,numBottles 为空瓶数

while numBottles >= numExchange:

d = numBottles // numExchange # 可换水 d 瓶

rem = numBottles % numExchange # 剩余 rem 个空瓶。

res += d

numBottles = d + rem # numBottles 为空瓶数

return res

# 数学

# return numBottles + (numBottles - 1) // (numExchange - 1)

# return numBottles + (numBottles // (numExchange - 1) if numBottles % (numExchange - 1) > 0 else numBottles // (numExchange - 1) - 1)

第 198 场周赛


把酒全换成空瓶即 BE,然后除最后一次外,每喝一瓶损失(E-1)。 所以 return (BE-1)/(E-1)



1688. 比赛中的配对次数

class Solution:

def numberOfMatches(self, n: int) -> int:

res = 0

while n > 1:

res += n // 2

n = (n + 1) // 2

return res

# return n - 1


2739. 总行驶距离

class Solution:

def distanceTraveled(self, mainTank: int, countitionalTank: int) -> int:

res = 0

while mainTank >= 5:

mainTank -= 5

res += 50

if additionalTank: # 非零数为真,零为假

additionalTank -= 1

mainTank += 1

return res + mainTank * 10


class Solution:

def distanceTraveled(self, mainTank: int, additionalTank: int) -> int:

res = 0

while mainTank >= 5:

div, mainTank = divmod(mainTank, 5) # mainTank // 5, mainTank % 5

res += div * 50

add = min(div, additionalTank)

additionalTank -= add

mainTank += add

return res + mainTank * 10

★2535. 数组元素和与数字和的绝对差

算法:提取 数位

class Solution:

def differenceOfSum(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:

res = 0

for x in nums:

res += x

while x > 0:

res -= x % 10

x //= 10

return res

Python 1-04 循环语句


★204. 计数质数

语法:while else,continue break 埃氏筛 数的倍数不是素数。

class Solution:

def countPrimes(self, n: int) -> int:

res = 0

for x in range(2, n):

for y in range(2, x): # 小优化 x 用 int(x**0.5) + 1

if x % y == 0:



res += 1

return res

埃氏筛 优化

class Solution:

def countPrimes(self, n: int) -> int:

a = [1] * n

res = 0

for i in range(2, n):

if a[i] == 0: continue

res += 1

for j in range(2 * i, n, i):

a[j] = 0

return res

3300. 替换为数位和以后的最小元素

class Solution:

def minElement(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:

res = 10000

for x in nums:

bitSum = 0

while x > 0:

bitSum += x % 10

x //= 10

res = min(res, bitSum)

return res

263. 丑数

class Solution:

def isUgly(self, n: int) -> bool:

if n <= 0: return False

factors = [2, 3, 5]

for fac in factors:

while n % fac == 0:

n //= fac

return n == 1


1413. 逐步求和得到正数的最小值


class Solution:

def minStartValue(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:

ans, acc = 1, 0

for x in nums:

acc += x

if acc < 0:

ans = max(ans, 1 - acc)

return ans

3100. 换水问题 II

class Solution:

def maxBottlesDrunk(self, numBottles: int, numExchange: int) -> int:

res = numBottles

while numBottles >= numExchange:

numBottles -= numExchange - 1

numExchange += 1

res += 1

return res

1346. 检查整数及其两倍数是否存在

class Solution:

def checkIfExist(self, arr: List[int]) -> bool:

zero = 0

for x in arr:

if x == 0: zero += 1 # 特殊处理 0

elif 2 * x in arr: return True

return zero >= 2

507. 完美数

class Solution:

def checkPerfectNumber(self, num: int) -> bool:

if num == 1: return False # 1 特别处理,不是完美数。

res = 1 # 不包含 num 本身,先处理 1,因子是成对的

# for i in range(2, int(num**0.5)+1):

# if num % i == 0:

# res += i + num // i

i = 2

while i * i < num: # 把求平方根改成乘法

if num % i == 0:

res += i + num // i # 累计正因子和

i += 1

return res == num

2016. 增量元素之间的最大差值

class Solution:

def maximumDifference(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:

res, mn = -1, nums[0]

for x in nums:

if x > mn:

res = max(res, x - mn)

mn = min(mn, x)

return res

1281. 整数的各位积和之差

class Solution:

def subtractProductAndSum(self, n: int) -> int:

s, p = 0, 1

while n:

n, rem = divmod(n, 10)

s += rem

p *= rem

return p - s

941. 有效的山脉数组

class Solution:

def validMountainArray(self, arr: List[int]) -> bool:

n = len(arr)

if n < 3: return False

i, j = 0, n - 1

while i < n-2 and arr[i+1] > arr[i]: # 从左向右,至多到倒数第二个。

i += 1

while j > 1 and arr[j] < arr[j-1]: # 从右向左,至少到第二个

j -= 1

return i == j

628. 三个数的最大乘积

class Solution:

def maximumProduct(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:

# 超时


res = -inf

n = len(nums)

for i in range(n-2):

for j in range(i+1, n-1):

for k in range(j+1, n):

res = max(res, nums[i]*nums[j]*nums[k])

return res


# 排序



return max(nums[-1]*nums[-2]*nums[-3],nums[0]*nums[1]*nums[-1])


# 记录两个最小,三个最大

m1, m2, m3, s1, s2 = -inf, -inf, -inf, inf, inf

for i, n in enumerate(nums):

if n > m1:

m3, m2, m1 = m2, m1, n

elif n > m2:

m3, m2 = m2, n

elif n > m3:

m3 = n

if n < s1:

s2, s1 = s1, n

elif n < s2:

s2 = n

return max(m1*m2*m3, s1*s2*m1)

334. 递增的三元子序列

[2,4,1,3,4] => [2, inf] => [2, 4] => [1, 4] => [1, 3]

class Solution:

def increasingTriplet(self, nums: List[int]) -> bool:

first, second = nums[0], inf

for x in nums:

if x > second: return True

if x > first: second = x

else: first = x

return False

▲400. 第 N 位数字

第 N 位数字,假设它属于第 num 个数,先确定 num 是几位数,再确定是该位数中的第几个,从而确定 num,最终找到是 num 的第几位然后取出。

一位数:1×9 个,两位数:2×90 个,三位数:3×900 个 … i 位数:i ×9×10 i-1

i = 1

while n > i * k:

n -= i × k; i += 1;k *= 10

此时 i 是目标数字所在整数的位数, i 位数的第 n // i 个,第 n % i 位。

例如:n = 201, 201 - 9 - 90*2 = 12, m = 11, 此时第 N 位数字所在整数是 3 位数中第 m // 3 + 1 = 4 个数的第 m % 3 + 1 = 3 位。即:100 + 3 = 103 中的 3。

class Solution:

def findNthDigit(self, n: int) -> int:

i, k = 1, 9

while n > i * k: # i 确定最后一个数是几位数

n -= i * k

i += 1

k *= 10

index = n - 1 # 索引从 0 开始

start = 10 ** (i - 1)

num = start + index // i # 最后一个数

digitIndex = index % i # 最后一个数第几位(下标)

return num // 10 ** (i - digitIndex - 1 ) % 10

3289. 数字小镇中的捣蛋鬼


class Solution:

def getSneakyNumbers(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[int]:

res = [0, 0]

n = len(nums)

i = 0

for x in nums:

x %= n

if nums[x] >= n:

res[i] = x

i += 1

if i == 2: break

nums[x] += n

return res

