LLMs之SQL:《Text2SQL is Not Enough: Unifying AI and Databases with TAG》翻译与解读

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LLMs之SQL:《Text2SQL is Not Enough: Unifying AI and Databases with TAG》翻译与解读

导读:2024年8月27日伯克利和斯坦福团队发布了TAG框架。TAG 模型为回答数据库上的自然语言查询提供了一个新的范式,它结合了语言模型的推理能力和数据库的计算能力,能够处理更广泛、更复杂的查询,为用户提供更强大的数据分析能力。

>> 背景痛点

● 用户需求:用户问题常需复杂的领域知识、世界知识、精确计算和语义推理的结合。当前方法无法有效处理需要语义推理或世界知识的问题。

● 现有方法局限性:现有的 Text2SQL 和 RAG 方法无法满足用户对数据库查询的复杂需求,例如需要语义推理世界知识查询。Text2SQL 仅限于可转化为关系代数表达的自然语言查询,覆盖范围有限。而 RAG 只处理少量数据记录的简单的点查询,无法充分利用数据库系统的强大计算能力。

>> 解决方案

● 提出了 Table-Augmented Generation (TAG) 模型,将自然语言查询与数据库的交互整合到一个统一框架中。提出了一种统一的、通用的范式,称为表格增强生成,用于回答数据库上的自然语言问题。

>> 核心思路步骤:TAG 模型包含三个步骤:查询合成、查询执行和答案生成。

● 查询合成 (Query Synthesis): 将用户的自然语言查询转换为可执行的数据库查询 (SQL)。

● 查询执行 (Query Execution): 在数据库系统上执行生成的查询,获取相关数据。

● 答案生成 (Answer Generation): 利用自然语言查询和获取的数据,通过语言模型生成最终的自然语言答案。

>> 优势

● 统一性与广泛性:TAG 模型统一了 Text2SQL 和 RAG 方法,能够处理更广泛的用户问题。 TAG 模型能够处理各种类型的自然语言查询,包括需要语义推理世界知识的查询。

● 效率: TAG 模型利用数据库的计算能力来处理数据,并通过语言模型进行推理和生成,提高了效率。通过将数据库与语言模型的能力结合,显著提高了查询准确率,比传统方法提高了20%到65%。

● 灵活性: TAG 模型允许使用各种数据库系统和语言模型,并可以根据具体需求进行定制。

● 研究潜力:提供了新的研究机会,可以进一步利用语言模型的世界知识和推理能力来增强数据查询。

>> 实验结果

● 研究人员构建了 TAG 基准,包含需要世界知识和语义推理的查询。

● 实验结果表明,传统的 Text2SQL 和 RAG 方法在处理这些查询时效果不佳,而手写的 TAG 管道取得了显著的性能提升。

TAG 模型通过结合数据库的精确计算能力和语言模型的语义推理能力,提供了一种更强大和全面的解决方案来处理复杂的自然语言查询。这一模型的提出不仅解决了现有方法的局限性,还为未来的研究和应用提供了新的方向。


《Text2SQL is Not Enough: Unifying AI and Databases with TAG》翻译与解读


1 Introduction

Figure 1: An example TAG implementation for answering the user’s natural language question over a table about movies. The TAG pipeline proceeds in three stages: query synthesis, query execution, and answer generation图1:一个例子展示TAG实现如何回答关于电影表格的用户自然语言问题。TAG流程分为三个阶段:查询合成、查询执行和答案生成。


4.1 Benchmark Methodology基准测试方法论



Evaluation metrics评估指标

Experimental setup实验设置


《Text2SQL is Not Enough: Unifying AI and Databases with TAG》翻译与解读








AI systems that serve natural language questions over databases promise to unlock tremendous value. Such systems would allow users to leverage the powerful reasoning and knowledge capabil-ities of language models (LMs) alongside the scalable computa-tional power of data management systems. These combined ca-pabilities would empower users to ask arbitrary natural language questions over custom data sources. However, existing methods and benchmarks insufficiently explore this setting. Text2SQL meth-ods focus solely on natural language questions that can be ex-pressed in relational algebra, representing a small subset of the questions real users wish to ask. Likewise, Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) considers the limited subset of queries that can be answered with point lookups to one or a few data records within the database. We propose Table-Augmented Generation (TAG), a unified and general-purpose paradigm for answering natural lan-guage questions over databases. The TAG model represents a wide range of interactions between the LM and database that have been previously unexplored and creates exciting research opportuni-ties for leveraging the world knowledge and reasoning capabili-ties of LMs over data. We systematically develop benchmarks to study the TAG problem and find that standard methods answer no more than 20% of queries correctly, confirming the need for further research in this area. We release code for the benchmark at https://github.com/TAG-Research/TAG-Bench.


1 Introduction

Language models promise to revolutionize data management by let-ting users ask natural language questions over data, which has led to a great deal of research in Text2SQL and Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) methods. In our experience, however (includ-ing from internal workloads and customers at Databricks), users’ questions often transcend the capabilities of these paradigms, de-manding new research investment towards systems that combine the logical reasoning abilities of database systems with the natural language reasoning abilities of modern language models (LMs).

In particular, we find that real business users’ questions often require sophisticated combinations of domain knowledge, world knowledge, exact computation, and semantic reasoning. Database systems clearly provide a source of domain knowledge through the up-to-date data they store, as well as exact computation at scale (which LMs are bad at).



LMs offer to extend the existing capabilities of databases in two key ways. First, LMs possess semantic reasoning capabilities over textual data, a core element of many natural language user queries. For example, a Databricks customer survey showed users wish to ask questions like which customer reviews of product X are positive?, or why did my sales drop during this period?. These questions present complex reasoning-based tasks, such as sentiment analysis over free-text fields or summarization of trends. LMs are well-suited to these tasks, which cannot be modeled by the exact computation or relational primitives in traditional database systems.

Secondly, the LM, using knowledge learned during model train-ing and stored implicitly by the model’s weights, can powerfully augment the user’s data with world knowledge that is not cap-tured explicitly by the database’s table schema. As an example, a Databricks internal AI user asked what are the QoQ trends for the "re-tail" vertical? over a table containing attributes for account names, products and revenue. To answer this query the system must under-stand how the business defines QoQ (e.g., the quarter over quarter trends from the last quarter to the current quarter or this quarter last year to this quarter this year), as well as which companies are considered to be in the retail vertical. This task is well-suited to leverage the knowledge held by a pre-trained or fine-tuned LM.



Systems that efficiently leverage databases and LMs together to serve natural language queries, in their full generality, hold poten-tial to transform the way users understand their data. Unfortunately, these questions cannot be answered today by common methods, such as Text2SQL and RAG. While Text2SQL methods [26, 28, 31, 32] are suitable for the subset of natural language queries that have direct relational equivalents, they cannot handle the vast array of user queries that require semantic reasoning or world knowledge. For instance, the previous user query asking which customer reviews are positive may require logical row-wise LM reasoning over re-views to classify each as positive or negative. Similarly the question which asks why sales dropped entails a reasoning question that must aggregate information across many table entries.

On the other hand, the RAG model is limited to simple relevance-based point lookups to a few data records, followed by a single LM invocation. This model serves only the subset of queries answer-able by point lookups and also fails to leverage the richer query execution capabilities of many database systems, which leaves com-putational tasks (e.g., counting, math and filtering) to a single in-vocation of the error-prone LM. In addition to being error prone and inefficient at computational tasks, LMs have also been shown to perform poorly on long-context prompts limiting their ability to reason about data at scale in the generation phase of RAG.

能够高效地结合数据库和LMs来处理自然语言查询的系统,具有完全普遍性,有潜力转变用户理解数据的方式。不幸的是,这些问题是当今常用方法,如Text2SQL和RAG无法解答的。虽然Text2SQL方法[26, 28, 31, 32]适合那些可以直接转化为关系等价物的自然语言查询子集,但它们无法处理大量需要语义推理或世界知识的用户查询。比如,前面提到的用户查询——哪个客户的评价是正面的——可能需要逻辑行级LM推理来对每条评价进行正面或负面分类。同样,询问销售为何下降的问题也涉及一个必须汇总多个表格条目信息的推理问题。


We instead propose table-augmented generation (TAG) as a unified paradigm for systems that answer natural language ques-tions over databases. Specifically, TAG defines three key steps, as shown in Figure 1. First, the query synthesis step syn translates the user’s arbitrary natural language request �� to an executable database query ��. Then, the query execution step exec executes �� on the database system to efficiently compute the relevant data �� . Lastly, the answer generation step gen utilizes �� and �� , where the LM is orchestrated, possibly in iterative or recursive patterns over the data, to generate the final natural language answer ��. The TAG model is simple, but powerful: it is defined by the following three equations, but captures a wide range of previously under-studied interactions between LMs and databases.


Query Synthesis: syn(R) →Q (1)

Query Execution: exec(Q) →T (2)

Answer Generation: gen(R,T) →A (3)

Notably, the TAG model unifies prior methods, including both Text2SQL and RAG, which represent special cases of TAG and serve only a limited subset of user questions.

While several prior works address these special cases of TAG, we provide the first end-to-end TAG benchmark composed of a broad set of realistic queries that require LM reasoning and knowledge ca-pabilities. We demonstrate the significant research challenges posed by these types of questions, as well as the promise of efficient TAG implementations. Our evaluation analyzes the vanilla Text2SQL and RAG baselines as well as two stronger baselines, Text2SQL with LM generation and retrieval with LM-based re-ranking. Across a variety of query types, we find each baseline method consistently fails to achieve high accuracy, never surpassing 20% exact match on the benchmark. On the other hand, we implement hand-written TAG pipelines on top of the recent LOTUS runtime [21] and find they achieve up to 20 − 65% higher accuracy compared to the base-lines. This significant performance gap demonstrates the promise of building efficient TAG systems.

查询合成:syn(R) → Q (1)

查询执行:exec(Q) → T (2)

答案生成:gen(R,T) → A (3)



Figure 1: An example TAG implementation for answering the user’s natural language question over a table about movies. The TAG pipeline proceeds in three stages: query synthesis, query execution, and answer generation图1:一个例子展示TAG实现如何回答关于电影表格的用户自然语言问题。TAG流程分为三个阶段:查询合成、查询执行和答案生成。


In this section, we introduce the first TAG benchmark and evaluate a collection of baselines, aiming to address the following questions:

(1) How do existing methods for table question answering perform on queries requiring semantic reasoning or world knowledge?

(2) Howdoes a hand-written implementation of the TAGmodel, which divides computational and reasoning steps across DBMS and LM operations, perform on these queries?


(1) 现有的表格问答方法在需要语义推理或世界知识的查询上表现如何?

(2) 一个手写的TAG模型实现,该模型将计算和推理步骤分布在数据库管理系统(DBMS)和语言模型(LM)操作之间,在这些查询上的表现如何?

4.1 Benchmark Methodology基准测试方法论

Existing benchmarks have explored how models perform on ba-sic queries answerable entirely from data in the data source. We build upon prior work by modifying queries such that they require knowledge not directly available in the data source or semantic reasoning to answer. We select BIRD [17], a widely used Text2SQL benchmark on which LMs have been evaluated, for its large scale tables along with its variety of domains and query types.

现有的基准测试已经探讨了模型在完全基于数据源中的数据回答的基本查询上的表现。我们在前人工作的基础上修改了查询,使它们需要不能直接从数据源获取的知识或语义推理来回答。我们选择了BIRD [17],这是一个广泛使用的Text2SQL基准测试,它被用来评估语言模型,因为它拥有大规模的表格以及多样化的领域和查询类型。


Our queries span 5 domains selected from BIRD, each containing diversity in query types. We select california_schools, debit_card_specializing, formula_1, codebase_community, and euro-pean_football_2 as the DB sources for our queries.



The BIRD benchmark defines fundamental query types, in-cluding match-based, comparison, ranking, and aggregation queries. We select queries among these types from the BIRD benchmark and modify them to require either world knowledge or semantic reasoning for the model to answer. As an example of a modified query requiring world knowledge, in the california_schools DB, a modified query adds an additional clause asking for only schools in the Bay Area. This information is not in the table and requires the model’s world knowledge to answer. Next, a modified query requiring LM reasoning asks for the top 3 most sarcastic comments on a particular post in the codebase_community DB. For evaluation on these queries, we rely on human-labeled ground truth. Our final benchmark consists of 80 modified queries, 40 requiring parametric knowledge and 40 requiring reasoning, with 20 of each of the 4 chosen BIRD query types.


Evaluation metrics评估指标

We measure accuracy as the percentage of exact matches as compared to the labeled correct answer for the match-based, comparison, and ranking query types. For aggrega-tion queries, we provide qualitative analysis on results using each baseline. We also measure execution time in seconds for each query.


Experimental setup实验设置

We use the instruction tuned variant of Meta’s Llama-3.1 model [2] with 70B parameters as our LM for both Text2SQL and final output generation. We use SQLite3 as our database API for baselines involving SQL and use an E5 base embedding model [23] for our RAG baseline. We run Llama-3.1- 70B-Instruct with vLLM [14] on 8 A100 80GB GPUs.

我们使用Meta的Llama-3.1模型[2]的指令调优版本,具有70亿参数,作为Text2SQL和最终输出生成的语言模型。对于涉及SQL的基线,我们使用SQLite3作为数据库API,并使用E5基础嵌入模型[23]作为我们的RAG基线。我们在8个A100-80GB GPU上运行Llama-3.1-70B-Instruct与vLLM[14]。


In this work we proposed table-augmented generation (TAG) as a unified model for answering natural language questions over databases. We developed benchmarks to study two important types of queries: those that require world knowledge, and those that re-quire semantic reasoning capabilities. Our systematic evaluation confirms that baseline methods are unable to make meaningful traction on these tasks. However, hand-written TAG pipelines can achieve up to 65% higher accuracy, demonstrating substantial re-search opportunities for building TAG systems.


