跟《经济学人》学英文:2024年08月17日这期 AI scientists are producing a host of new theories of how our brains learn

阿正的梦工坊 2024-09-11 14:31:02 阅读 60

AI scientists are producing a host of new theories of how our brains learn

The challenge for neuroscientists is how to test them


Five DECADES of research into artificial neural networks have earned

Geoffrey Hinton the moniker of the Godfather of artificial intelligence (AI).

Work by his group at the University of Toronto laid the foundations for

today’s headline-grabbing AI models, including ChatGPT and LaMDA. These can

write coherent (if uninspiring) prose, diagnose illnesses from medical scans

and navigate self-driving cars. But for Dr Hinton, creating better models was

never the end goal. His hope was that by developing artificial neural

networks that could learn to solve complex problems, light might be shed on

how the brain’s neural networks do the same.



moniker:美 [ˈmɑnəkər] 姓名;绰号;别名

laid the foudations:奠定基础

headline-grabbing:抓住新闻头条的; 引人注目的

end goal:最终目标

light might be shed on:可能阐明

这里的 “light might be shed on” 是一个短语,意思是“可能揭示”或“可能阐明”。这个短语常用于表达通过研究或发现,使某个问题或现象变得更加清晰和易于理解。

在这段话中,“light might be shed on how the brain’s neural networks do the same” 的意思是:



Brains learn by being subtly rewired: some connections between neurons,

known as synapses, are strengthened, while others must be weakened. But

because the brain has billions of neurons, of which millions could be

involved in any single task, scientists have puzzled over how it knows which

synapses to tweak and by how much. Dr Hinton popularised a clever

mathematical algorithm known as backpropagation to solve this problem in

artificial neural networks. But it was long thought to be too unwieldy to have

evolved in the human brain. Now, as AI models are beginning to look

increasingly human-like in their abilities, scientists are questioning whether

the brain might do something similar after all.



synapse:美 [ˈsɪnˌæps] 突触

unwieldy:美 [ˌənˈwildi] 笨拙的;笨重的;操作困难的;不方便的


Working out how the brain does what it does is no easy feat. Much of what

neuroscientists understand about human learning comes from experiments

on small slices of brain tissue, or handfuls of neurons in a Petri dish. It’s

often not clear whether living, learning brains work by scaled-up versions of

these same rules, or if something more sophisticated is taking place. Even

with modern experimental techniques, wherein neuroscientists track

hundreds of neurons at a time in live animals, it is hard to reverse-engineer

what is really going on.



tissue:英 [ˈtɪʃuː] (人、动植物体内的)组织;细胞组织;纸巾;手帕纸;卫生纸;

Petri dish:培养皿;皮氏培养皿;细菌培养皿


One of the most prominent and longstanding theories of how the brain learns

is Hebbian learning. The idea is that neurons which activate at roughly the

same time become more strongly connected; often summarised as “cells that

fire together wire together”. Hebbian learning can explain how brains learn

simple associations—think of Pavlov’s dogs salivating at the sound of a bell.

But for more complicated tasks, like learning a language, Hebbian learning

seems too inefficient. Even with huge amounts of training, artificial neural

networks trained in this way fall well short of human levels of performance.



salivating:美 ['sælɪvetɪŋ] 分泌唾液;(salivate的现在分词形式)


Today’s top AI models are engineered differently. To understand how they

work, imagine an artificial neural network trained to spot birds in images.

Such a model would be made up of thousands of synthetic neurons, arranged

in layers. Pictures are fed into the first layer of the network, which sends

information about the content of each pixel to the next layer through the AI

equivalent of synaptic connections. Here, neurons may use this information

to pick out lines or edges before sending signals to the next layer, which

might pick out eyes or feet. This process continues until the signals reach the

final layer responsible for getting the big call right: “bird” or “not bird”.




spot birds in images:在图片中识别出鸟类


Integral to this learning process is the so-called backpropagation-of-error

algorithm, often known as backprop. If the network is shown an image of a

bird but mistakenly concludes that it is not, then—once it realises the gaffe

—it generates an error signal. This error signal moves backwards through

the network, layer by layer, strengthening or weakening each connection in

order to minimise any future errors. If the model is shown a similar image

again, the tweaked connections will lead the model to correctly declare:




gaffe:美 [ɡæf] 失礼;失言;失态;过失


Neuroscientists have always been sceptical that backpropagation could work

in the brain. In 1989, shortly after Dr Hinton and his colleagues showed that

the algorithm could be used to train layered neural networks, Francis Crick,

the Nobel laureate who co-discovered the structure of DNA, published a

takedown of the theory in the journal Nature. Neural networks using the

backpropagation algorithm were biologically “unrealistic in almost every

respect” he said.

神经科学家一直对反向传播在大脑中的作用持怀疑态度。1989年,在Hinton博士和他的同事展示了该算法可用于训练分层神经网络后不久,共同发现DNA结构的诺贝尔奖获得者Francis Crick在《自然》杂志上发表了对该理论的反驳。他说,使用反向传播算法的神经网络在生物学上“几乎在每个方面都是不现实的”。


laureate:美 [ˈlɔːriət] 获奖者 注意发音


publish a takedown of the theory:反驳这个理论


For one thing, neurons mostly send information in one direction. For

backpropagation to work in the brain, a perfect mirror image of each

network of neurons would therefore have to exist in order to send the error

signal backwards. In addition, artificial neurons communicate using signals

of varying strengths. Biological neurons, for their part, send signals of fixed

strengths, which the backprop algorithm is not designed to deal with.



All the same, the success of neural networks has renewed interest in whether

some kind of backprop happens in the brain. There have been promising

experimental hints it might. A preprint study published in November 2023,

for example, found that individual neurons in the brains of mice do seem to

be responding to unique error signals, one of the crucial ingredients of

backprop-like algorithms long thought lacking in living brains.



renew interest:重新激起兴趣


Scientists working at the boundary between neuroscience and AI have also

shown that small tweaks to backprop can make it more brain-friendly. One

influential study showed that the mirror-image network once thought

necessary does not have to be an exact replica of the original for learning to

take place (albeit more slowly for big networks). This makes it less

implausible. Others have found ways of bypassing a mirror network

altogether. If artificial neural networks can be given biologically realistic

features, such as specialised neurons that can integrate activity and error

signals in different parts of the cell, then backprop can occur with a single

set of neurons. Some researchers have also made alterations to the backprop

algorithm to allow it to process spikes rather than continuous signals.



make alteration:修改


Other researchers are exploring rather different theories. In a paper

published in Nature Neuroscience earlier this year, Yuhang Song and

colleagues at Oxford University laid out a method that flips backprop on its

head. In conventional backprop, error signals lead to adjustments in the

synapses, which in turn cause changes in neuronal activity. The Oxford

researchers proposed that the network could change the activity in the

neurons first, and only then adjust the synapses to fit. They called this

prospective configuration.

其他研究人员正在探索完全不同的理论。在今年早些时候发表在《自然神经科学》上的一篇论文中,牛津大学的Yuhang Song和他的同事们提出了一种翻转反向传播head的方法。在传统的反向传播中,错误信号导致突触的调整,进而导致神经元活动的变化。牛津大学的研究人员提出,该网络可以首先改变神经元的活动,然后调整突触以适应。他们称之为预期配置。


laid out a method:提出一种方法


When the authors tested out prospective configuration in artificial neural

networks they found that they learned in a much more human-like way—

more robustly and with less training—than models trained with backprop.

They also found that the network offered a much closer match for human

behaviour on other very different tasks, such as one that involved learning

how to move a joystick in response to different visual cues.




Learning the hard way


For now though, all of these theories are just that. Designing experiments to

prove whether backprop, or any other algorithm, is at play in the brain is

surprisingly tricky. For Aran Nayebi and colleagues at Stanford University

this seemed like a problem AI could solve.

但是现在,所有这些理论都只是理论。设计实验来证明backprop或任何其他算法是否在大脑中起作用是令人惊讶的棘手。对于斯坦福大学的Aran Nayebi和他的同事来说,这似乎是一个人工智能可以解决的问题。


The scientists used one of four different learning algorithms to train over a

thousand neural networks to perform a variety of tasks. They then monitored

each network during training, recording neuronal activity and the strength of

synaptic connections. Dr Nayebi and his colleagues then trained another

supervisory meta-model to deduce the learning algorithm from the

recordings. They found that the meta-model could tell which of the four

algorithms had been used by recording just a couple of hundreds of virtual

neurons at various intervals during learning. The researchers hope such a

meta-model could do something similar with equivalent recordings of a real




Identifying the algorithm, or algorithms, that the brain uses to learn would

be a big step forward for neuroscience. Not only would it shed light on how

the body’s most mysterious organ works, it could also help scientists build

new AI-powered tools to try to understand specific neural processes. Whether

it could lead to better AI algorithms is unclear. For Dr Hinton, at least,

backprop is probably superior to whatever happens in the brain. ■




