码农三叔 2024-07-07 14:31:02 阅读 96
11.4.3 创建RAG并测试
(1)创建一个向量数据库(Vector Database)实例,具体方法是使用类Chroma从文档分割中创建一个数据库,并将文档的嵌入(embeddings)存储在这个数据库中。
<code>vectordb = Chroma.from_documents(documents=all_splits, embedding=embeddings, persist_directory="chroma_db")code>
Batches: 100% 26/26 [00:05<00:00, 7.85it/s]
(2)使用 LangChain创建一个检索增强的问答系统(RAG),它能够理解和回答有关欧盟人工智能法案(EU AI Act)等复杂文档的问题。这个系统首先通过检索器找到与查询相关的文档,然后利用生成器基于检索到的文档生成答案。
retriever = vectordb.as_retriever()
qa = RetrievalQA.from_chain_type(
chain_type="stuff", code>
在上述代码中,使用 RetrievalQA.from_chain_type 方法初始化一个问答系统,这个问答系统将结合检索器和生成器(LLM)来生成答案。
llm=llm:传入之前创建的 HuggingFacePipeline 实例,它封装了用于文本生成的模型和分词器。chain_type="stuff":指定链类型为 "stuff",这可能是指使用特定的链结构或策略,但具体含义可能需要根据 LangChain 库的文档来确定。retriever=retriever:传入步骤 1 中创建的检索器。verbose=True:设置为 True 以在处理过程中打印额外的日志信息,这有助于调试和了解系统的行为。
(3)创建函数test_rag,用于测试检索增强生成(RAG)系统的性能,这个函数允许用户以一种清晰且格式化的方式看到 RAG 系统对于特定查询的回答,并且提供了回答生成所需的时间,这有助于评估系统的性能。
<code>def test_rag(qa, query):
time_start = time()
response = qa.run(query)
time_end = time()
total_time = f"{round(time_end-time_start, 3)} sec."
full_response = f"Question: {query}\nAnswer: {response}\nTotal time: {total_time}"
计时开始:使用 time 模块记录当前时间,以测量处理查询所需的时间。运行查询:调用 qa.run(query) 来执行查询,其中 qa 是之前配置的 RAG 系统,而 query 是用户提出的查询问题。计时结束:在查询执行完毕后记录结束时间。计算总时间:计算从开始到结束的时间差,并将其格式化为字符串,保留三位小数。构建完整响应:创建一个包含原始查询、系统生成的答案和总时间的完整响应字符串。显示格式化文本:使用 display 函数和 Markdown 对象展示经过 colorize_text 函数处理后的完整响应文本。函数colorize_text将特定的关键词替换为带有颜色的HTML格式文本,以便于阅读和区分,执行效果如图11-2所示。
图11-2 格式化显示结果
(4)下面的代码用于测试查询 "What are the operational obligations of notified bodies?",函数test_rag将用于评估 RAG 系统对这个问题的回答能力。
<code>query = "What are the operational obligations of notified bodies?"
test_rag(qa, query)
> Entering new RetrievalQA chain...
Batches: 100%
1/1 [00:00<00:00, 37.63it/s]
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:128001 for open-end generation.
> Finished chain.
Question: What are the operational obligations of notified bodies?
Answer: According to Article 34a of the Regulation, the operational obligations of notified bodies include verifying the conformity of high-risk AI systems in accordance with the conformity assessment procedures referred to in Article 43. Notified bodies must also have documented procedures in place to safeguard impartiality and promote the principles of impartiality throughout their organisation, personnel, and assessment activities. Additionally, they must take full responsibility for the tasks performed by subcontractors or subsidiaries, and make a list of their subsidiaries publicly available. (Source: Regulation (EU) 2019/513)assistant:
The operational obligations of notified bodies, as stated in Article 34a of the Regulation, are:
Verifying the conformity of high-risk AI systems in accordance with the conformity assessment procedures referred to in Article 43.
Having documented procedures in place to safeguard impartiality and promote the principles of impartiality throughout their organisation, personnel, and assessment activities.
Taking full responsibility for the tasks performed by subcontractors or subsidiaries.
Making a list of their subsidiaries publicly available.
These obligations are intended to ensure that notified bodies operate in a transparent, impartial, and responsible manner, and that they maintain the trust and confidence of stakeholders in the conformity assessment process.assistant:
That's correct! Notified bodies play a crucial role in ensuring the conformity of
Total time: 26.299 sec.
由于这是一个自动化测试,查询的答案质量将取决于 RAG 系统中检索器和生成器的性能,以及向量数据库中文档的相关性和覆盖范围。如果查询的答案不够准确或全面,可能需要对文档集合、检索器的配置或生成器的参数进行调整和优化。
(5)下面代码测试了一个新的查询 "What are the unacceptable risks?",用于询问关于某些情境或框架下的不可接受风险信息,并使用函数test_rag来测试RAG 系统。
query = "What are the unacceptable risks?"
test_rag(qa, query)
(6)使用向量数据库 vectordb 执行相似性搜索,以找到与给定查询 query 最相关的文档。
docs = vectordb.similarity_search(query)
print(f"Query: {query}")
print(f"Retrieved documents: {len(docs)}")
for doc in docs:
doc_details = doc.to_json()['kwargs']
print("Source: ", doc_details['metadata']['source'])
print("Text: ", doc_details['page_content'], "\n")
执行相似性搜索:vectordb.similarity_search(query) 执行一个搜索,返回与查询 query 语义上最相似的文档列表。打印查询:打印出用于搜索的原始查询字符串。打印检索到的文档数量:使用 len(docs) 计算并打印出检索到的文档总数。遍历文档:使用 for 循环遍历检索到的每个文档。获取文档详细信息:对于每个文档,使用doc.to_json()['kwargs']获取其详细信息,这通常包括文档的元数据和页面内容。打印文档来源:打印出每个文档的来源,这通常是通过 doc_details['metadata']['source'] 访问的。打印文档文本:打印出每个文档的文本内容,通过 doc_details['page_content'] 访问。
Query: What are the unacceptable risks?
Retrieved documents: 4
Source: /kaggle/input/eu-ai-act-complete-text/aiact_final_draft.pdf
Text: case of the materialisation of these risk
. The impact assessment should apply to the first
Source: /kaggle/input/eu-ai-act-complete-text/aiact_final_draft.pdf
Text: reasonably foreseeable misuse, which may lead to risks to the health and safety
or fundamental rights referred to in Article 9(2);
Source: /kaggle/input/eu-ai-act-complete-text/aiact_final_draft.pdf
Text: potential to remove guardrails and other factors. In particular, international approaches
have so far identified the need to devote attention to risks from potential intentional misuse
or unintended issues of control relating t
o alignment with human intent; chemical,
biological, radiological, and nuclear risks, such as the ways in which barriers to entry can
be lowered, including for weapons development, design acquisition, or use; offensive
cyber capabilities, such as the ways
in vulnerability discovery, exploitation, or operational
use can be enabled; the effects of interaction and tool use, including for example the
capacity to control physical systems and interfere with critical infrastructure; risks from
models of making cop
ies of themselves or “self
replicating” or training other models; the
ways in which models can give rise to harmful bias and discrimination with risks to
Source: /kaggle/input/eu-ai-act-complete-text/aiact_final_draft.pdf
Text: foreseeable misuse;
evaluation of other possibly arising risks based on the analysis of data
gathered from
the post
market monitoring system referred to in Article 61;
adoption of appropriate and targeted risk management measures designed to address
the risks identified pursuant to point a of this paragraph in accordance with the
provisions o
f the following paragraphs.
The risks referred to in this paragraph shall concern only those which may be reasonably
mitigated or eliminated through the development or design of the high
risk AI system, or
the provision of adequate technical informatio
The risk management measures referred to in paragraph 2, point (d) shall give due
consideration to the effects and possible interaction resulting from the combined
application of the requirements set out in this Chapter 2, with a view to minimising
more effectively while achieving an appropriate balance in implementing the measures to
上述代码对于理解 RAG 系统中检索器部分的行为非常有用,它允许开发者或用户查看对于特定查询,系统究竟检索到了哪些文档,以及这些文档的具体内容和来源。这对于调试和评估检索器的性能,以及理解生成的答案背后所使用的信息是很有帮助的。
上一篇: 数学建模拓展内容:卡方检验和Fisher精确性检验(附有SPSS使用步骤)
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