谷歌的人工智能原则 | AI at Google: our principles

禅与计算机程序设计艺术 2024-08-13 16:31:02 阅读 81


Objectives for AI applications人工智能应用的目标

1. Be socially beneficial.1. 对社会有益。

2. Avoid creating or reinforcing unfair bias.2. 避免制造或强化不公平的偏见。

3. Be built and tested for safety.3. 进行安全构建和测试。

4. Be accountable to people.4.对人负责。

5. Incorporate privacy design principles.5. 纳入隐私设计原则。

6. Uphold high standards of scientific excellence.6. 坚持高标准的科学卓越。

7. Be made available for uses that accord with these principles. 7. 可用于符合这些原则的用途。

AI applications we will not pursue我们不会追求的人工智能应用

AI for the long term长期人工智能

At its heart, AI is computer programming that learns and adapts. It can’t solve every problem, but its potential to improve our lives is profound. At Google, we use AI to make products more useful—from email that’s spam-free andeasier to compose, to a digital assistant you canspeak to naturally, to photos thatpop the fun stuff outfor you to enjoy.


